Thursday, December 3, 2009

As if we hadn't taken enough

Last week, the IRS auctioned 7100 acres of Crow Creek Sioux land. The sale was supposed to cover taxes owed by the tribe. Though it's certainly not unheard of for the IRS to do such a thing, something about this seems far more wrong than foreclosing someone's home. The USFG has confined tribes to tiny parcels of barren land that are separated from mainstream America. How are they supposed to make money to pay taxes? And should they really have to support an institution that does not fulfill its end of the agreement? The USFG is required by a treaty to provide all federally recognized America Indians and Alaskan Natives with free health care, but they don't. And where IHS services are available, they are beyond sub par. The government has already reduced reservation sizes by more than half and people are being forced off of reservations in search of employment. The more research I do, the more convinced I am that the government is facilitating cultural genocide. Bastards.

Native American news:

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